
Rook & Knight: Issue #1 A Fast Paced Action Comic

Created by Daniel Kalban

Daniel Kalban's Libertyverse expands! A father-son vigilante duo must fight crime...if they're not fighting each other.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Update
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 05:13:40 PM

Hey everyone,

Just reaching out with a quick update.

We're just waiting on some final things, so I'm hoping those will be resolved soon.

However, there will likely be delays in shipping, basically due to stuff out of my control.

I'm not going to go into the weeds on everything, but part of it is being fair to those who got American Dreams trades and therefore to make things easier as well for my fulfillment team. (BoB is snapping at the bit to get that trade ready, it's other logistical things holding us all up with that).

This also will likely push back my next KS because I want to be fair to you all and make sure you all get your rewards FIRST.

Thank you for your patience. I was hoping to meet the estimated reward date but sometimes things throw ya a curveball.


Moving Right Along
about 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 10:51:56 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Mission Accomplished!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jul 30, 2023 at 01:39:18 PM

Hey everyone!

The campaign is officially over and we hit our goal, and then some! Thank you so much for your support of Rook & Knight!

Now, what comes next? For newcomers for Kickstarter (or just my projects), this will help fill you in on how I do things. Veterans, this is a refresher.

First off is charging the cards. That's done automatically but there is usually some that have issues. I'll be messaging those that have issues later tonight or early tomorrow to check in. You usually have a week-ish to fix things.

Next up, I usually use BackerKit to do fulfillment. I do NOT charge for shipping through that (since that was done through the Kickstarter), UNLESS you order more stuff via BackerKit. BackerKit will also help my fulfillment team, the awesome people from Unlikely Heroes Studios, to put things together. It also helps me get an accurate count of what will be needed to be ordered once you guys fill out your surveys via BackerKit.

Now, that might take a bit as it will take a couple weeks for me to receive the money. Once final payments are made to the team, we will be off to the races. We will be putting together the digital copy of the comic as fast as we can so that can be quickly distributed to backers along with other digital copies. Remember, if you ordered American Dreams Vol 1 as part of your rewards package, there will possibly be a delay as Band of Bards puts that new edition together etc. But I hope to be on track for a December delivery for the most part.

We hope to get going as fast as possible! Thank you for your support!


PS: I will be at Baltimore Comic Con Sept 8-10, I'm hoping to have at least a few copies of Rook & Knight on me for it. If I do, and you'd rather pick up your physical copy or copies there, please let me know!

The Final Hours
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 03:40:01 PM

This is it. The final countdown.

We hit goal a couple days ago! And we're in the final hours of the campaign!

It's all thanks to you and your support! In these final hours, please share out this campaign to those who you think would be interested in this so we end this campaign on the strongest footing possible.

Remember, the book IS complete! We will need a few weeks to get the funds in and to set up BackerKit (more about that late). We hope to get your rewards to you on time if not ahead of schedule.

As this is the last update before the campaign ends, let me shout out two more campaigns (both of which have pirates involved! YARR!):

Cthulhu Invades Neverland

Travis Gibb is back with the third and final installment of the Cthulhu Invades series. This time, Lovecraft's eldritch horror attacks the world and characters of JM Barrie's Peter Pan stories. It's 200+ pages of horror, with a pirate crew of talent both big and small.

I was part of Cthulhu Invades Wonderland, the previous installment. And that's now nominated for a RINGO AWARD! I am, unfortunately, not in this edition, but I have so many friends who are! Travis is an amazing creator and showrunner, so please give him your support!

FREE HANDS Issues 1 & 2

My buddy Matt Wilding's "pirate noir" returns to Kickstarter! 

"After murdering their captain and hauling him overboard, the crew of the pirate ship FREE-HAND make their way against the naval empires that would put them in chains, as recounted by the crew's sole survivor.

Free Hands is a 6-issue historical noir adventure series about the small rebellions and little victories–often coupled with crimes and violence–tackling social and cultural struggles still present today, through the lens of the “golden age of piracy.”"

As many of you know (and this might not be surprising given American Dreams) I am a BIG historical fiction fan. And the first issue is an amazing, dark, and horrifying pirate tale. And Matt, being a historian, helps weave this tale with authenticity, while artist Matt Rowe gives us pirates with a film noir edge. Check it out!

That's all for now! I'll see you on the other side of noon tomorrow when this campaign wraps up!


Help Get The Word Out!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 22, 2023 at 06:02:16 PM

Hey everyone!

We are about a week-ish out to the end of the KS campaign. We have come so far already, but now it's major crunch time!

We are currently at 84% funded with roughly $615 to go. So now it's time to kick things into high gear!

We now have FOUR Marvel Homage cards as add-ons. In addition, we have unlocked a few commission add ons as well, for those who would like some digital art as part of their reward package.

Also, please share this campaign out wide!

Thank you again for your support thus far!

And now, some campaigns you might be interested in!

The Catskin and The Rose:

My buddy Wells Thompson is back on KS with a brand new project. This time it is a sapphic romance set against a tournament to decide who will marry a kingdom's capricious crown prince. It is a graphic novella, so you will have the COMPLETE story in your hands!

"The Catskin and the Rose is a 68 page adventure/romance comic about discovering love in unexpected places, making sacrifices, and fighting for what's important in your life."

Maggid Magazine:

If you know me at all, you know I've been calling for more and better Jewish representation in comics (after all, without us, there wouldn't BE a comic industry). This is definitely a major step for better Jewish representation in comics: Jewish comics by Jewish creators. It's a magazine containing several GREAT comics by Jewish creators in all sorts of genres, allowing them to tell stories in genres that Jewish characters and creators don't often get to tell. They have a VERY ambitious goal and program in mind, but I think that any reader, be they Jew or Gentile, will have a fun time reading these stories.

13: Last Chance

This is another graphic novel/novella, with a really cool setting: 60s Las Vegas! "13 is the forgotten superhero identity of Hal Higgins, a man cursed with such bad luck that his misfortune can be contagious. During the Golden Age, Hal learned to harness his hex and turn it against criminals. But his days as a masked avenger are a fading memory, and now he’s eking out a lonely existence as a hired-gun security consultant in 1960s Las Vegas. Things aren’t going so great." It's a great superhero comic, without the capes, and also contains some neat true history anecdotes from Vegas' bizarre past. 

That's all for now! Remember, we got a week-ish to hit our goal and beyond. It's all hands on deck, now! Let's bring Rook & Knight to life!